Dmitry Kustanovich, a St. Petersburg painter, the founder of his own style of painting, spatial realism,…
The painter Dmitry Kustanovich, founder of authorial style of painting named spatial realism and one…
The first solo exhibition of the Petersburg's painter Dmitry Kustanovich after the total quarantine…
The Gallery of Kustanovich in St. Petersburg has opened an art exhibition «TERRITORY 50», dedicated…
From the 5th to the 15th of March, 2020, the Perm Fair will host the 22nd International Exhibition-Sale…
From the 20th to the 23rd of February, 2020 the fair of contemporary art and the art forum Art Russia…
The International fair of Fine Art «Ponaekhali!» is more than 450 artists from 15 countries…
A bright cultural event of the winter of 2020, the Moscow Art Fair opened on January 18 in Moscow.…
C 23 по 25 октября 2015 года художник Дмитрий Кустанович примет участие в 16-м международном салоне…
С 10 по 25 октября пройдет персональная выставка Дмитрия Кустановича "Как я провёл лето".
From the 3rd to the 5th of July in 2015 in St. Petersburg was hosted jewelry sales exhibition "Treasures…
From the13th till the15th of November in 2015 in Saint Petersburg (Russia) "Kustanovich's Gallery"…
С 16 по 31 января в Галерее Кустановича прошла выставка живописных полотен Дмитрия Кустановича из…
С 3 апреля по 10 апреля 2007 года в
С 12 по 14 декабря 2014 г. «Галерея Кустановича» принимала участие…
30 сентября 2014 года в рамках Дней…
Друзья, приглашаем на уникальное событие! С 23 по 26 апреля 2015 года в Санкт-Петербурге в ВК Ленэкспо…
С 10 по 12 апреля 2015 в Санкт-Петербурге прошла выставка-ярмарка ART TREND, которая была посвящена…
From the 06.03 to the15.03.2015 the works by the artist Dmitry Kustanovich were presented at the 18th…
Paintings by Dmitry Kustanovich were presented at the Fair "the Magic of Christmas",…
C 25 по 26 октября 2014 года состоялась арт-ярмарка ArtExpoSPb 2014, которая прошла в Санкт-Петербурге.…
С 20 декабря 2012 г. по 20 января 2013 г. в Смольном соборе прошла персональная выставка живописи…
С 27 декабря 2011 г. по 15 февраля 2012 г. в Концертно-выставочном зале "Смольный собор"…
From 17 to 20 March 2011 Dmitry Kustanovich paintings were presented at the exhibition "St. Petersburg…
From December 17, 2010 till February 15, 2011 a personal exhibition of paintings by the artist…
From June 12 till July 24, 2010 a personal exhibition of paintings by Dmitry Kustanovich called “Melodies…
From May 20 till June 5, 2010 a personal exhibition of paintings by Dmitry Kustanovich named “In Wait…
December 2009 - the artist Dmitry Kustanovich is awarded the title of Academician of the Academy…
From December 15, 2009 till February 16, 2010 a personal exhibition of paintings by Dmitry Kustanovich…
04.12.2009 - 13.12.2009 a large exhibition of paintings by Dmitry Kustanovich was traditionally represented…
On October 15, 2009 there has opened an exhibition “Views on the Canal” at the “Monmartr” Gallery,…
03.03.2009-20.03.2009 Personal exhibition "With love to Petersburg" took place at Smolny Cathedral,…
From December 6, 2008 till December 14, 2008 - the VI Christmas Art Fair (the Tretyakov Gallery, St.Petersburg,…
On November 27, 2008 - the VIP exhibition “Carnival of Kustanovich”, St.Petersburg.
From October 30, 2008 till November 3, 2008 – participation in the International Art show “Art-Petersburg”,…
From October 1, 2008 till October 31, 2008 – a personal exhibition “Melody of Flight”, the Tretyakov…
On June 25, 2008 – theatrical opening of a personal exhibition of dmitry Kustanovich “Music on Canvas”.
From June 03, 2008 till August 31, 2008 – personal exhibition of Dmitry Kustanovich “Butterflies-flowers…”,…
April 25, 2008 - By invitation of Aleksey Nedovodiyev, Director of the Tosno Picture Gallery,…
From December 16, 2006 till december 24, 2006 - the Christmas Art Fair-2006, the Ttretyakov Gallery,…